The brief: Design a contemporary logo treatment for a company with retail drycleaning services. It is to be bold and bright, standing out from competitors.
The challenge: Drycleaning is the core business, but the new owners are developing their services further into commercial and corporate contracts. The brand identity needs to be flexible to apply to these varied commercial clients. This means the brand mark must avoid traditional icons associated with drycleaners; of coathangers and garments - instead offering a distictive impression that doesn't rely on traditional iconography.
The solution: The colours are a crucial part of the thoughtful design, representing the transition (from left-to-right) of dirty to clean. This implied transition is analogous with all facets of the nature of the business operations - it's about making dirty things clean!
Extra: Artist impressions of important aspects of the business; the premises and vehicles used to service commercial contracts, allows the client to get a feel for the branding than viewing a logo in isolation.