The brief: Create a visual of methane retention in a forest, aligning with a scientific study.
The challenge: The previously used graphic was very basic. A fresh slate was needed to achieve the project objectives.
The solution: I pitched the concept of a photo-realistic isometric digital illustration. Assets were generated in MidJourney and Firefly then composited in Photoshop.
AI generated assets
Composition: The assets are brought into photoshop then masked and edited to form a composite with consistent overall lighting. Text and arrow details are added in InDesign before final output of deliverable files.
Extra: I pulled the artwork through a couple of additional pieces of software to provide an editable powerpoint file for the scientists. They can't edit the main image itself but have full control over the text, numbers and arrows. Although not strictly necessary, it somewhat futureproofs the artwork by giving the scientists a degree of editing ability with commonly available powerpoint business software.